We must remember that programs can be defined pretty much as
data structures + algorithms
. As we conclude this exploration we'll be discussing Searching algorithms and Dynamic Programming.
On CS Algorithms: Chapter II
We must remember that programs can be defined pretty much as data structures + algorithms
. As we conclude this exploration we'll be discussing Searching algorithms and Dynamic Programming.
Searching + Traversal, BFS, DFS
We'll talk about:
- Searching + Traversal
- Breadth-first search (BFS), Depth-first search (DFS)
Searching is super useful:
- We search Google, YouTube, search in file.
How computers/software can search so fast? Some strategies
- Linear Search
- Binary Search
Linear / Sequential Search
- Find target value within a list.
Like loop through arrays to find items.
- Check one-by-one.
- Best case
and worst case check every single itemO(n)
- Some JS strategies using linear:
var beasts = ['Centaur', 'Godzilla'];
// ALL are linear
return item === 'Godzilla';
// return item instead of index
return item === 'Godzilla';
// true / false
We can't use this on Google or Facebook, since it will cost time.
Binary Search
Good on sorted lists. E.g. you're looking for 34 and list is sorted: 1, 4, 5, 9, 34, 45
Instead of checking everything you can do binary search:
You can start in middle of list:
- Is 9 higher than 34? NO. Then discard to left.
- Go to middle of group again and do comparison.
- If it's sorted we can do better than O(n), creating a binary search tree. Data complexity since its a tree then it gives great storage too.
- Divide and conquer too.
- Binary search has lookup method by implementing trees as we saw on tree DS.
- This has
O(log n)
. - But sometimes we need to traverse all nodes, there are other strategies for that.
Traversal - Graph + Tree Traversals
Sometimes we want to add color property to all nodes. Traversals is like visiting every node.
How can we traverse a Tree / Graph?
- With Breadth-first search (BFS), Depth-first search (DFS).
- Both have
- Main benefit we don't put them on Arrays or Hash Tables is order and good O(log n) instead of O(n).
- Trees / Graphs are used a lot in traversal.
Breadth-first search (BFS) & Depth-first search (DFS)
BFS & DFS Intro
- Start with root node and move left to right across second, third level, and so on.
- Until you find node you're looking OR tree ends.
- BFS uses more memory b/c it tracks child nodes. So there are implications
- Follows one branch until is on last leave then moves forward checking unexplored children and branches.
- Lower memory requirement. Don't need to store all child pointers.
- So until it hits dead end then moves.
- BFS / DFS:
// 9
// 4 20
//1 6 15 170
// BFS: Visits all levels and outputs a list as it finds what it needs
// [9,4,20,1,6,15,17]
// DFS: List is different
// [9,4,1,6,20, 15,17]
BFS is like water from top to down. DFS is like lines.
When to use BFS or DFS? Time complexity is same for both O(n)
- Good for finding shortest path. As it checks closer nodes.
- Bad: More memory
- If you have additional info and know where the node is, use BFS.
- When you know node is in lower level then use DFS.
- Ask the question does the path exist
- Good: Less memory
- Bad:** it can get slow if tree is very deep not very good finding shortest path**
- Good Resource.
Common Interview Questions BFS vs DFS
Study to see how you explain to interviewer
If you know a solution is NOT far from the root of the tree:
- BFS - starts searching closest nodes first.
If the tree is VERY deep and solutions are rare,
- BFS (DFS will take long time. )
If the tree is very wide:
- DFS (BFS will need too much memory as it has to keeps track of all the nodes)
If solutions are frequent but located DEEP in the tree
determining whether a path exists between two nodes
Finding the shortest path
Coding BFS & DFS
Breadth-first Search - Exercises
- Code Here.
- Uses a queue array
- Usually is done with iteration.
Breadth-first search (Recursive) - Exercises
- Code Here.
- Just for fun.
Depth-first search - Exercises
- Code here.
- stack DS used here as it is Recursion. Height of tree will tell how much memory, memory consumption will depend on that.
- preOrder: from parent
- inOrder: order of nodes
- postOrder: order from trees at the bottom
- Play with code and console log to see how it inputs
- main difference is the order you get output
- depending on your needs you might implement one or the other
- You just learned how to traverse through tree try to implement in a graph!
Validate a BST - Interview Qs
- A very common question you will get asked in an interview is how to validate a binary search tree! Hint, you want to use BFS for this.
- Try it here.
Graph Traversals
- Tree traversal will be the same as Graph traversal. Trees are a type of graphs.
- Graphs model real life, like recommendation engine (items related) using like BFS. Facebook what type of friend request or LinkedIn connection with DFS.
- See it in action
- DFS is for shortest path. Closest to our node. Related items on Amazon, closest connections.
- DFS check if it exists. We can go very deep very fast.
BFS in Graphs:
- What's the closest node to 0? BFS is very good as it looks closest nodes first.
DFS in Graphs:
- Great for solving a maze. Because it goes deep then backtracks to solve the puzzle until finds exit.
- Idea of backtracking after dead end is just recursion.
- It answers does the path exist?
- If very deep branch can get very slow. Needs to keep track of all the functions on the stack.
Dijkstra + Bellman-Ford Algorithms
- In interview you'll probably don't implement them
- BFS doesn't care about weight. So doesn't take to account weighted graphs.
Dijkstra / Bellman-Ford Algorithms:
- Find the shortest path between two nodes on a weighted graph.
- Bellman can accommodate negative weights and Dijkstra doesn't.
- Dijkstra is faster than Bellman's (worst case is O(n^2)).
In an Interview:
- These algorithms are very complex
- Know that they exist and how to use them.
If you see a weighted graph and asked to find best algorithm:
- BFS can't be used because is weighted
- Negative weights? If YES, Bellman. If NO, Dijkstra.
Searching + Traversal Review
- Searching and Traversal are one of the most popular algorithms.
- Learned about how to traverse tree/graph.
- Now we're better to equipped to answer questions.
- Review the Technical Interview Mind Map.
- More here.
Dynamic Programming (DP)
- DP is just optimization technique using cache. If you can cache then you can do DP. So its just a buzz word a lot of times.
- DP solves problems by breaking it down into sub problems, storing solutions in case those sub problems arise.
- Divide and Conquer + Memoization (cache)
- Caching is a way to store values that you can use later. Like a backpack that holds items you need.
- Memoization is a specific caching we use in our programs.
Memoization example
function add80(n) {
return n + 80
What if this operation took a long time? Can we optimize it with memoization?
function add80(n) {
return n + 80
let c = {}
function memoAdd80(n) {
if (n in cache) {
return cache[n]
} else {
cache[n] = n + 80
return cache[n]
What is then memoization?
- Caches return value based on parameters. If param of function doesn't change then its memoized then it will return cache version. If parameter changes then calculates as usual.
- So its a way to remember a solution to a problem so you don't have to calculate again.
Closures in Memoization
Patterns in DP:
function memoAdd80() {
let cache = {}
//closure returns a function
return function(n) {
if (n in cache) {
return cache[n]
} else {
cache[n] = n + 80
return cache[n]
const memoized = memoAdd80()
console.log(1, memoized(6))
// console.log(cache)
// console.log('-----------')
console.log(2, memoized(6))
- Closures return a fn inside a fn
- Because of closure we can avoid global scope and access cache.
Fibonacci and DP (caching)
Remember recursion example.
let calculations = 0
function fib(n) {
if (n < 1) {
return n
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
//will take a long time
// fib(30)
Remember this is pretty bad! O(2^n). We'll never want to implement this in real life.
- This because we repeat a lot of calculations.
Can we fix this with caching (DP)? Reduce it to O(n)
- Yes we can because the solution is optimal and we do the same.
- We can actually return a memoized version with O(1) and use the cached version.
Solving fibonacci. See below or here.
Note: we increased the space complexity with memoization.
Assess when to use DP (caching / memoization)
Think about your problem like this to implement DP:
- Can it be divided into subproblem. Problem broken down into smaller problems.
- Recursive solution
Are there repetitive sub-problems?
- Same calculation over and over? we can memoize the problem!
- Memoize sub-problems
- Implement caching! and save a lot of calculations!
Interview Questions: Dynamic Programming
Here are some popular Dynamic Programming Questions (see if you can notice the pattern):
Review of DP
- All you need is to remember the pattern of saving a cache variable and use closures to return a function within a function.
- If there's repeated calculation then get the memoized result.
- Memoized version has more space complexity, so this tradeoff is necessary.
- Other way to incorporate DP is bottom up approach.
- This one avoids recursion. Starts from simple to higher solutions.
- This one is harder to know how/when to use
- Interview is unlikely that they will ask you to implement both methods.
- In short memoization help us to avoid having to do repeated tasks. If you can implement this you're on your way to become a great engineer.